Searching for "sucky break up"

1 Results For 'sucky break up'


December 08, 2015 @ (USA )

Tags: Sucky break up , heart broken, life sucks

So I started a job last year met a real cute guy there, we had instant chemistry. He has a few kids two different girls but I accepted it. I also have a child and he really seemed like a nice and misunderstood man. He told me first he fell in love with me, we started to date and things were good. We started to have baby mom and baby dad drama and it clouded the whole thing. I lied to him he found out he probably also lied to me. But I admit all I did wrong. I didn't cheat. We had big fights that turned physical. It hurt our love even more he started to let go, I hung on. I'm still hanging on. He recently texted me saying he is talking to someone and for me to move on he can't trust me and he doesn't want to deal with the stress.. I feel like a fuck up and I still love him I don't want to leave him this sucks. I'm hoping that maybe he will realize he still cares for me but you never know... I don't know how to deal with this...